Wednesday 8 May 2013

An example Total Diet Food Plan for Wednesday 8th May | Total Diet Food - Freshly prepared and delivered to your door daily...

An example Total Diet Food Plan for Wednesday 8th May | Total Diet Food - Freshly prepared and delivered to your door daily...

An example Total Diet Food Plan for Wednesday 8th May
Today’s example menu is for a lady executive in one of London’s top businesses. Her demanding work schedule means that she needs to feel alert all through her long day and avoid those post lunch lulls that can really make the afternoon drag and productivity to fall. We provide a healthy balanced diet of around 18000 calories as she is also looking to lose a little weight.
Mixed Fruit Salad with Low Fat Natural Yoghurt, Mixed Seeds and Puffed Rice

Morning Snack 
Apple and Walnuts

Thai Style Lemon Sole with Roasted Butternut Squash, Radishes, Bean Sprouts, Julienne Carrots, Grilled Baby Corn and Lime Wedge

Afternoon Snack
Tomato and Olive Salsa with Organic Gluten Free Corn Chips

Evening Meal
Puy Lentils and Vegetable Pie topped with Celeriac Mash and Served with Roasted Mixed Peppers, Courgettes and Baby Spinach

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