Monday 12 August 2013

A Total Diet Food Example Plan for Monday 12th August | Total Diet Food - Freshly prepared and delivered to your door daily...

A Total Diet Food Example Plan for Monday 12th August

Today’s example plan is for a man in his 30s who doesn’t wish to lose weight, just to have a varied and healthy diet delivered daily to his door. We are providing 2100 calories to ensure he maintains weight contained within 3 high quality gourmet meals and 2 healthy snacks.
Low Fat Natural Yoghurt with Organic Muesli and Fresh Melon
Morning Snack 
Grapes and Sunflower Seeds
Puy Lentils Salad with Grilled Halloumi Cheese, Roasted Butternut Squash, Cherry Tomatoes, Roasted Red Peppers and Herb Pesto Dressing
Afternoon Snack
Hummus with Organic Gluten Free Veggie Tortilla Chips
Evening Meal
Cod and Salmon Fishcakes with Baby Spinach, Green Beans, Roasted Aubergines, Courgettes and Herbed Yoghurt Pot
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A Total Diet Food Example Plan for Monday 12th August | Total Diet Food - Freshly prepared and delivered to your door daily...

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