Thursday 17 January 2013

A Total Diet Food example menu for Thursday 18th Jan | Total Diet Food - Freshly prepared and delivered to your door daily.

A Total Diet Food example menu for Thursday 18th Jan | Total Diet Food - Freshly prepared and delivered to your door daily.

A Total Diet Food example menu for Thursday 18th Jan

Morning deliveries completed, it’s time to publish an example menu. Homemade dips, stewed pears and ethically sourced Salmon all feature today.

Stewed Pears and Flaked Almonds Oatmeal
Serve cold or heat in the microwave for 2-3 minutes

Morning Snack 

Creamy Basil Dip with Organic Oat Cakes


Mixed Beans and Organic Quinoa Salad with Roasted Mushrooms, Asparagus Tips and Cherry Tomatoes
Serve cold or heat in the microwave for 3-4 minutes

Afternoon Snack

Citrus Fruit and Sesame Seeds

Evening Meal

Scottish Salmon Fillet with Salsa Verde, Roasted Peppers, Courgettes and Steamed Wholegrain Rice

Heat in the microwave for 4-5 minutes until piping hot
If you have any questions regarding your meal plan or today’s menu, contact us anytime between 9am and 21.00pm or via We will happily recycle all packaging so please leave in the bag for collection. Don’t forget your healthy tea packed in the front pocket of your food bag

Contact us 7 days per week on 020 86778265 between 9.00am and 21.00pm or via
Get our daily menus plus other food and diet based insights on our website here or via Twitter and Facebook

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