Wednesday 23 October 2013

An example menu for a TDF client on a Metabolic Balance Plan | Total Diet Food - Freshly prepared and delivered to your door daily...

An example menu for a TDF client on a Metabolic Balance Plan | Total Diet Food - Freshly prepared and delivered to your door daily...

An example menu for a TDF client on a Metabolic Balance Plan

Oct 23, 2013
Posted by: Ben
Today’s example TDF Plan is for a client that is following the Metabolic Balance principles. We provide exactly the requirements in the Metabolic Balance Plan on a daily basis. MB is becoming the plan of choice for many of London’s glitterati, predictably, its huge in the America and all across Europe.
Phase 3
Full Fat Natural Yoghurt with Fresh Mango   
Chicken Salad with Roasted Butternut Squash, Radishes, Endive, Apple Cider Vinaigrette and Apple
Evening Meal
Trout topped with smoked Leeks and served with Baby Spinach, Roasted Red Pepper, Broccoli and Orange
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