Thursday 17 October 2013

A Total Diet Food Plan for Thursday 17th October | Total Diet Food - Freshly prepared and delivered to your door daily...

A Total Diet Food Plan for Thursday 17th October | Total Diet Food - Freshly prepared and delivered to your door daily...

Our example menu series and food pics are back and my my, what a day to restart them.
Today’s example is for a client that is trying the food for a month with the plan to integrate it into his lifestyle. He comes from a very food orientated family of cook, chefs and bakers so the pressure is on us! He loves it so far though J
Today we have a distinctly Mediterranean feel to the plan;
Free Range Egg and Roasted Mediterranean Vegetable Frittata served with Roasted Tomato Halves and Goat’s Feta Cheese
Morning Snack 
Satsuma and Pumpkin Seeds
Smoked Salmon Salad with Sweet Potato and Capers Ailoi Towers, Asparagus Tips, Radishes and Lemon Wedge
Afternoon Snack
Stewed Pears with Coconut Sprinkle
Evening Meal
Grilled Beef Kebabs with Brown Rice, Garden Peas, Broccoli, Cherry Tomatoes and Minted Yoghurt
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