Wednesday 8 January 2014

A Total Diet Food Example Plan for Wednesday 8th January | Total Diet Food - Freshly prepared and delivered to your door daily...

A Total Diet Food Example Plan for Wednesday 8th January | Total Diet Food - Freshly prepared and delivered to your door daily...

A Total Diet Food Example Plan for Wednesday 8th January     

Today’s example plan is for a professional lady who works at Canary Wharf. She is looking to lose around 10 kilos and after 3 weeks on the plan she had lost 4 kilos which is a great start. We provide a full balanced plan of 1350 calories.


Low Fat Natural Yoghurt with Grapes, Seed Mix, Puffed Rice and Dried Cranberries 
Free Range Chicken with Organic Quinoa, Carrot and Beetroot Salad and Wassabi Dressing
Afternoon Snack
Homemade Nut and Fruit Bar
Evening Meal
Minced Beef Casserole with Baby Potatoes, Cauliflower, Courgettes and Roasted Cherry Tomatoes
Evening Snack  
Blackberries, Mango and Brazil Nuts
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