Wednesday 6 March 2013

Your Total Diet Food Plan for Wednesday 6th March | Total Diet Food - Freshly prepared and delivered to your door daily...

Your Total Diet Food Plan for Wednesday 6th March | Total Diet Food - Freshly prepared and delivered to your door daily...

Your Total Diet Food Plan for Wednesday 6th March
As promised here is an example menu for you to plan your healthy diet today. What are you waiting for, get cooking…… or you just call us on 020 86778265 and have gourmet diet food delivered to your door every day J
Gluten Free Pancakes with Poached Apples, Fresh Raspberries, Low Fat Natural Yoghurt and Fruit Syrup
Morning Snack 
Fresh Mango with Flaked Almonds
Puy Lentil Salad with Red Pepper, Cucumber, Roasted Butternut Squash and Soya Marinated Prawns
Afternoon Snack
Gluten Free Ginger Loaf Slices
Evening Meal
Sautéed Wild Mushrooms and Soured Cream with Fine Beans, Asparagus Tips, Roasted Cherry Tomatoes and Brown Rice
Contact us 7 days per week on 020 86778265 between 9.00am and 21.00pm or via
Get our daily menus plus other food and diet based insights on our website here or via Twitter and Facebook

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