Sunday 31 March 2013

A Total Diet Food example menu for Monday 1st April | Total Diet Food - Freshly prepared and delivered to your door daily...

A Total Diet Food example menu for Monday 1st April | Total Diet Food - Freshly prepared and delivered to your door daily...

A Total Diet Food example menu for Monday 1st April

Apr 1, 2013
Posted by: Ben

Your Total Diet Food Plan for Monday 1st April

Deliveries away as normal on this bank holiday. Its not all lounging about with cocktails for TDF. Its not really coal mining either though! Cooking great food and making sure our clients get real health benefits, every day.

Fresh Melon with Gluten Free Bread and Organic Peanut Butter

Morning Snack    
Satsuma and Pumpkin Seeds

Tuna Nicoise Salad

Afternoon Snack
Crunchy Gluten Free Muesli Bar

Evening Meal
Basil Chicken with Mixed Peppers, Roasted Aubergines, Courgettes and Brown Rice

Call us on 020 86778265. 7 days per week 9am - 9pm. Plenty more recipes, menus and pics on our Facebook Page

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