Is a high protein diet harmful to your health?
Jun 17, 2014
Posted by: Ben
Posted by: Ben
Recent research has suggested a possible link between diets high in animal protein and cancer or diabetes
. But is the link one we should be worried about?
The research comes from a National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
(NHANES) in the US. According to the Guardian newspaper, “middle aged people who consumed a lot of animal protein tended to die younger from cancer, diabetes and other diseases, [but] the same diet seemed to protect people’s health in old age.”
Valter Longo, director of the Longevity Institute at the University of Southern
California, said “People need to switch to a diet where only around 9 or 10 percent of their calories come from protein, and the ideal sources are plant based.”
But Peter Emery, Head of Nutrition
and Dietetics at King's College London remains unconvinced. "I would urge general caution over observational studies, and particularly when looking at diet, given the difficulties of disentangling one nutrient or dietary component from another. You can get an association that might have some causal linkage or might not,” he says.
We hear these kinds of health scares all the time, with the latest story often contradicting the last one. And we are usually only told of a ‘link’, not actual proof. All that means, is that some people who developed cancer or diabetes happened to have a high protein
diet. But they may also have been heavy smokers with high sugar intakes. In fact the same study showed “almost double the risk of dying from any cause over an 18-year period”. Does that mean eating protein makes you more likely to be hit by a bus?!
We’d love
to hear your thoughts on the research. Should we listen to advice based only on a link? Or is this kind of research just a waste of time, or maybe even harmful? Read the full article at
Whatever you think, our gourmet diets are personally tailored to your needs, and we can adapt your menu to suit your individual lifestyle. Valter Longo recommends spending a couple
of months looking at the labels on your food. We say, why bother, when we’ve already done that for you. Talk to us and let us do the calculations for you.
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