Thursday, 30 October 2014

A 1000 calorie example weight loss plan | Total Diet Food - London's Fresh and Personalised Diet Delivery Service

A 1000 calorie example weight loss plan | Total Diet Food - London's Fresh and Personalised Diet Delivery Service

A 1000 calorie example weight loss plan

Oct 30, 2014
Posted by: Ben
This example menu is for a male executive that uses us occaisionally to kick start his healthy eating regime. He does 2 weeks at a quite low carb and calorie level and relatively high in protein and fats.
Mixed Fruit with Low Fat Natural Yoghurt, Puffed Rice and Mixed Seeds
Morning Snack    
Kiwi and Flaked Almonds
Feta Cheese and Puy Lentils Salad with Cherry Tomatoes and Herb Dressing
Afternoon Snack
Tomato and Sweet corn Salsa with Red and Yellow Pepper Crudités
Turkey Breast and Brown Rice Risotto with Broccoli
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Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Food for Fitness and Training Plan :: Total Diet Food - London's Fresh and Personalised Diet Delivery Service

Food for Fitness and Training Plan :: Total Diet Food - London's Fresh and Personalised Diet Delivery Service

Food for Fitness and Training Plan

Food is our fuel and whether you are training for an event or are just really active, getting the right intake can be a time consuming problem. We can provide your exact macro matched plan to you, fresh every morning, freeing you up to focus on your training. 
On our food for fitness plan we provide:
  • Macro Matched plans - simply send us your macros.
  • 100% clean unprocessed food
  • High quality and varied protein, carb and fat sources
  • As many exceptions as you like
  • Cooked fresh every day, specifically for you - 7 days per week if required
  • Free Delivery throughout London
  • 24/7 phone and email customer service and dietary support
Talk to a specialist between 9am and 21.00pm, 7 days per week on 020 8626 9360 or contact us anytime to order your Food for Fitness Plan 

Monday, 20 October 2014

Top 5 Sugar Free Snacks | Total Diet Food - London's Fresh and Personalised Diet Delivery Service

Top 5 Sugar Free Snacks

Oct 20, 2014
Posted by: Ben
There’s a war on sugar at the moment. While the debate rages about whether saturated or unsaturated fats may or may not be ok in a controlled diet, opinion is unequivocal about the dangers of added sugars. And they can be hard to avoid, even in foods sold as healthy options. Some breakfast cereals sold in the organic and gluten free section can still contain as much as 30 percent sugars. And many sports bars and snacks are similarly overloaded.
So what can you nibble on between meals that’s not going to ruin all the hard work you’re putting into your diet? The key is slow-burning energy that will leave you fuller for longer, rather than a quick sugar burst that may give you a quick high, but will be followed by a debilitating crash later on.
Here’s our top 5 snacks for sugar free satisfaction:
1 Whole nuts
Highly concentrated fibre, protein, antioxidants and heart-healthy fats. Nuts are full of nutrition and easy to carry with you. Make sure you’re eating fresh whole nuts, and not the processed salt-heavy ones you find in the pub. And be sparing, they’re high in calories, but you won’t need many to stave off the hunger.
2 Peanut Butter Celery
It’s a myth that celery is calorie negative – it doesn’t take more calories to eat than it gives you, but it is a very low calorie food, and the water content will help you feel fuller. Dip it in a little crunchy peanut butter which will give you extra protein and nut oil, but make sure it’s a natural brand – some of them do contain added sugars. If you’re not keen on peanut butter, try a low fat cream cheese, or a hummus or guacamole dip.
3 Edamame
Green soybeans are a delicious and very moreish snack. They’re fibre rich, with high quality carbohydrates, protein and omega-3 fats. There’s something very satisfying about popping them out of the pods, and having to do that will slow down your snacking as well. Because they’re so moreish, give yourself a portion of around a cupful at a time, otherwise the whole bag will disappear before you know it!
4 Rice cakes
They’re low calories and carbohydrates, easy to carry anywhere, and you can top them with pretty much anything to create a variable snack. Low fat cheese slices, fresh fruit or vegetables, guacamole, fresh salsa, whatever takes your fancy.
5 Fresh fruit
Some people have started to limit their fruit intake, worrying about high fructose levels. But it’s the added sugars that are the problem, and that’s not fructose. There’s nothing fresher or more natural than fruit. It’s high in vitamins, fibre and water and everyone’s got a favourite. For a bit of variety, take some dried fruits, and whizz in the food processor with some nuts and oats and a little coconut oil. Roll it into balls or flatten into bars and chill in the fridge, and you’ve got your own homemade healthy energy bars.
We include 2 snacks a day in our food plans, so you don’t need to go hungry between meals, and there’s no added sugars in anything we make.
Contact us 7 days per week on 020 8626 9360 between 9.00am and 21.00pm or via
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Top 5 Sugar Free Snacks | Total Diet Food - London's Fresh and Personalised Diet Delivery Service

Monday, 29 September 2014

Paleo and the Environment | Total Diet Food - London's Fresh and Personalised Diet Delivery Service

The Paleo diet is about as popular as it is controversial at the moment. Based on the concept that the best diet is the one our bodies were ‘designed for’, its basic rule of thumb is eat what our Palaeolithic ancestors would have eaten. That means no grains, breads, or processed foods, and a diet rich in red meat, fruit and nuts, which would have been readily accessible to hunter-gatherers.
It’s not an easy diet to stick to, not least because of the confusing rules about what constitutes pre-agricultural food, but those who manage it claim to experience substantial weight loss and multiple health benefits too, including curing skin conditions and improving sleep patterns.
But is there more to think about than just whether you can maintain the diet? Some diet choices involve moral decisions as well as health ones.
Paleo encourages a high meat content, but is it sustainable? Ten thousand years ago, there were maybe only 5 million people on the planet, not so many mouths to feed. But even so, there are some who think that many animals were hunted to extinction. It’s been suggested that the rise of agriculture came about to fill a need as other sources of food became more scarce due to over-hunting.
On today’s overcrowded planet, there are constant worries about the sustainability of meat farming. Already, we struggle to provide enough meat to fulfil the demand. As the population continues to grow, supply will shrink. That’s likely to push prices up and encourage producers to cut corners the way we saw with the horse meat scandal. Animal welfare will likely suffer. So is it good timing to encourage more people to switch to a diet that relies so heavily on meat? Won’t that just strain the market even further?
What about the environmental effects? Livestock are responsible for huge amounts of greenhouse-gas emissions. Not only because of their own bodily emissions, which produce methane and nitrous oxide, but because of the fuel required in every aspect of raising and slaughtering them. Your carbon footprint from eating a pound of beef has been compared to driving 45 miles, as opposed to only 1 mile for eating a pound of whole wheat.
Pound for pound, beef production requires at least ten times as much water as wheat production, and calorie for calorie, it uses almost twenty times as much energy. That’s reflected in the cost, for sure, but of course it also has a lasting effect on the planet.
Of course, you can be vegetarian on a Paleo diet, it doesn’t have to involve meat. But that makes it even more restrictive than it already is. But increasingly these days, scientists and producers are looking at ways to address the environmental effects of meat. We have witnessed the first artificial beefburger, admittedly to fairly mixed reviews, but it’s still early days in the research. It’s a real possibility that the future could bring genuinely tasty artificial meat.
Others are looking into alternatives to traditional meats – locusts and other insects provide a high protein content with much lower environmental effect involved in the farming. We may struggle in the West with the thought of this, but they are already commonly eaten in many parts of the world, and can apparently taste delicious.  Find the right way to present them, and they could ease the burden on the meat market. Plus, they would certainly fit within the ethos of a Paleo diet in a way perhaps artificial meat might not.
So while enthusing about the benefits of the diet, should Paleo advocates also be encouraging more sustainable farming techniques, and debating the uptake of insect farming as well as livestock?
It’s certainly something to think about, and reminds us that diet choices are about more than just calorie levels and allergies.
Like the rest of the Western world, we’re not quite ready at Total Diet Food to serve insects, but whatever your diet choice, be it Paleo or vegetarian, or vegetarian Paleo, we can serve all your dietary needs, freshly cooked and delivered to your door.
Contact us 7 days per week on 020 8626 9360 between 9.00am and 21.00pm or via
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Paleo and the Environment | Total Diet Food - London's Fresh and Personalised Diet Delivery Service

Sunday, 28 September 2014

An example high protein, Paleo plan | Total Diet Food - London's Fresh and Personalised Diet Delivery Service

An example high protein, Paleo plan

Sep 28, 2014
Posted by: Ben
 A Paleo example plan.
Today’s example TDF food plan is for a hard training male client in his early thirties. He is looking to gain lean muscle but wishes to do it by being on a form of paleo diet.
A 2700 Calorie Plan
Mixed Fruit Salad with Paleo Granola
Morning Snack 
Apple and Hazelnuts
Grilled Tuna Steak Salad
Afternoon Snack
Hummus with Raw Vegetable Crudités
Free Range Chicken Breast in Roasted Red Pepper and Tomato Sauce served with Roasted Root Vegetables and Curly Kale
Contact us 7 days per week on 020 86269360 between 9.00am and 21.00pm or via
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An example high protein, Paleo plan | Total Diet Food - London's Fresh and Personalised Diet Delivery Service

Thursday, 25 September 2014

Stevia - The Answer to Soda's Bad Image? | Total Diet Food - London's Fresh and Personalised Diet Delivery Service

Sodas are fast becoming the ultimate crime for dieters. So much so that Coca Cola has been forced to develop a new drink which targets more health conscious drinkers. But what’s all the fuss about? Aren’t diet sodas already targeting those people? And is the new drink any better?
Regular sodas are now recognised to have dangerously high levels of sugar. Recent studies have tended to agree that sugar is addictive, and foods with high sugar content can lead to overeating, energy slumps, obesity and diabetes.
We’ve known for a while that sugary drinks would rot our teeth, and so there’s been a market for diet sodas for some time already. But it turns out that diet drinks may not be such a good substitute after all. The University of Texas published a study in 2011 that followed 475 people over 10 years. They found that people who drank diet sodas still had a 70% increase in waist circumference compared with those who didn’t drink soda.
The sweeteners themselves have also been linked to diabetes, and it was shown last year that diet soda drinkers suffer the same long term health problems as normal soda drinkers – weight gain, diabetes, cardiovascular disease. If there are fewer calories, then surely swapping regular for diet while keeping everything else the same should guarantee you lose weight?
The problem is that people don’t keep everything else the same. It’s too easy to think you’ve saved calories, and allow yourself a treat somewhere else. But probably the bigger effect comes from confusing your body. You’ve drunk something very sweet, so your body expects a sugar rush. But there’s no sugar, so it doesn’t happen. Then your body craves sugar, and you feel compelled to eat something else to get that rush.
On top of that, artificial sweeteners trigger insulin, which sends your body into fat storage mode and causes weight gain. And while it’s not a proved causal link, soda drinkers display a greater tendency towards depression, and the effect is stronger in diet soda drinkers than regular ones.
So the diet soda revolution hasn’t really panned out. But that’s not sending people back to regular sodas. It’s a trend that is mirroring our reduction in salt intake – initially slow to follow advice, we’ve now seen a 15% reduction in salt consumption over the last decade. Similarly, UK surveys report that we are now drinking fewer carbonated drinks than just six months ago.
The message is getting through, and so it’s getting through to the soda companies by way of reduced sales. And that’s why Coca Cola is releasing its new green label drink. It comes with a third less calories compared to the regular drink, by using a natural sweetener called stevia. That may allay the fears associated with artificial sweeteners, but it still means 89 calories in a single can. And it still contains 22g of sugar per can, which is hardly low.
By putting a green label on it, and calling it Life, Coca Cola are trying to brand it a healthy alternative at a time when soda is seriously in the crossfire on health grounds. But it’s not the answer. Sure, in small amounts, as long as you watch what you eat and drink, there’s no harm in enjoying a little soda every now and then. But if you’re trying to cut down, a simpler and better alternative is just to drink water. That has no artificial sweeteners and no sugar either. You can always add a slice of fruit to give it some flavour, and use sparkling water if you like the fizz.
As always, then, the advice is to read the label. The marketing says one thing, but the label tells a different story.
Contact us 7 days per week on 020 8626 9360 between 9.00am and 21.00pm or via
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Stevia - The Answer to Soda's Bad Image? | Total Diet Food - London's Fresh and Personalised Diet Delivery Service

Monday, 22 September 2014

Diet Studies – Who to Trust? | Total Diet Food - London's Fresh and Personalised Diet Delivery Service

Every week there’s another scientific study telling us something new (or old) about our diets. They often seem to contradict each other, not to mention the various fad diets that are constantly shifting emphasis from one food group to another.
So how do you know whether that article you’ve just read is true? It’s in a trustworthy paper, and it’s quoting all sorts of qualified professionals, but it’s saying the opposite of the one you read last week.
Let’s take a look at one of the recent studies just published in the Annals of Internal Medicine. 148  men and women were studied over 12 months. Half were asked to cut down on carbohydrates in their diet (eg white breads, sugar, processed foods). And the other half were asked to cut down on saturated fats (eg meat, whole milk, butter). Other than that, there were no calorie limits, although both groups reported eating 500-700 fewer calories per day on their new diet.
After 12 months, the low-carb group had lost an average 5.4kg, while the low-fat group had lost an average of only 1.8kg. The low-carb group also showed a greater reduction in cholesterol and body fat, as well as a higher proportion of lean muscle mass.
It sounds pretty conclusive. But studies like this rely on self-reporting, which is notoriously unreliable. In describing this study, The Guardian reports that 80% of participants stuck to their diets for the whole year, but look at the report and you see that “82% of the low-fat group and 79% of the low-carb group completed the intervention”. That doesn’t mean they stuck to the diet, just that they carried on handing in their reports. They were probably being paid to take part in the survey, so if they didn’t complete their reports, they wouldn’t get paid. But does having an authority figure assessing the results of your dieting make you more or less likely to be honest about how well you’ve stuck to it? How would we know if the carb group have sneakily indulged in a little extra fat now and then?
The number of people in the study is also far too low to come to any solid conclusion. With only 148 people, of whom about 20% dropped out, that’s a tiny number to rely on, when so many other factors could be at play. Since the participants were randomised, they came from all walks of life. That means they can’t be separated for things like lifestyle, wealth, cooking habits, education, nutritional knowledge or any number of other differences in their lives.
And that’s the problem with dietary studies. They can only give us vague indications of possible effects. It’s impossible to do a properly controlled study, because it would require bringing up large numbers of people in confinement from birth to old age, controlling every aspect of their entire lives just to study one tiny difference in treatment between groups. It’s obviously completely inhumane, but to be able to rule out lifestyle factors, you have to at least use much larger sample groups.
This is often done by conflating studies together and finding an average figure for the results. Indeed, just days after this study, an amalgamation study was completed of 48 different trials looking at different diet types. This study concluded that over 12 months, there was no significant difference between a low-fat or low-carb diet. The problem with amalgamated studies is that they take studies which may have been done under different circumstances with different levels of control, and treat them the same.
There’s no satisfactory answer, really. The studies do have value, and over time may be able to gradually account for the variables, but we need to be aware of their shortcomings and understand why they don’t provide a final answer yet.
In the meantime, what are you supposed to do about your diet? Well, as the BBC reported recently, any diet works, as long as you stick to it, so experiment a bit until you find the one that you feel most comfortable on. Of course, that advice was based on a study!
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Diet Studies – Who to Trust? | Total Diet Food - London's Fresh and Personalised Diet Delivery Service