Monday 3 February 2014

A Total Diet Food Example Plan for Monday 3rd February | Total Diet Food - Freshly prepared and delivered to your door daily...

Today’s example plan is for a driven female executive who works 14+ hours per day. She is looking to lose weight and we are providing a plan of 1200 calories for her.
Free Range Egg Omelette with Spinach, Artichokes and Roasted Tomato
Morning Snack 
Satsuma with Flaked Almonds and Cashews
Smoked Mackerel Salad with Quinoa Tabouleh and Lemon Wedge
Afternoon Snack
Guacamole with Gluten Free Oat Cakes
Evening Meal
Italian Chicken Casserole with Mixed Vegetables
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A Total Diet Food Example Plan for Monday 3rd February | Total Diet Food - Freshly prepared and delivered to your door daily...

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